Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Driving Airplane Gets Real

Hello everyone, I’m sure you are all excited for my first L.A. related post. This past week I read an article in the magazine Popular Science about a flying car or driving airplane as the Terrafugia Company prefers to call it. The article goes from page 42-48 and it’s all about The Transition. The Transition is set to go on sale next year and is scheduled to start flying in November. In the upper right of this write up I have put in a few pictures of The Transition. Anyone can buy it but only pilots can fly it. It was very difficult for Terrafugia to make The Transition meet all Federal Aviation Administration and all National Highway Transportation Safety Administration standards. However they did it and made an airplane that you can take on the roads, fit in your garage, and keep you safe. On the road The Transition’s top speed is 80 mph while in the air it has a cruising speed of 115 mph. The Transition will cost about $194,000 each and will be able to carry two people. However the biggest problem for Terrafugia is getting money. The company started with $30,000 which was awarded to their CEO Carl Dietrich for being the most inventive young engineer at MIT College. Now they have to get investors and customers who will buy The Transition. To help with this they’re taking The Transition to Oshkosh, Wisconsin to unveil it at the Experimental Aircraft Association show. Well that’s it for this post. Come back next week after I’ve read something else.


Merrrt said...

dood i read that. NO JOKE.

Adam said...

oh dang we like thought a like or somethin

packbadge said...

dude - tell Jim I want the Transition for Xmas this year ... oh and flying lessons too. Then we can fly to the Grill & Chill for toast.

packbadge said...

cats suck

Adam said...

well steve wont that be fun to discuss the Odyssey over the best toast ever

Cats are bad at Jenga

Cats are bad at Jenga

Its my dog Max

Its my dog Max
he looks like a monk